Save Money by knowing your Car’s History
Save Money
A great way to save money on maintaining your car is to have one shop that does all the work on your vehicle (s). Sometimes, though, even that fails to save you the money it could. That’s why shops like Dale’s Auto Care offer you a great tool that can protect you from the expense of a service that’s not due yet. That tool is a website called OwnerAutoSite. This site gives you the ability to track your car’s service history 24/7 from any location where you have internet access. Unnecessary expense is avoided because your vehicle’s history is recorded on computer and both you and the repair shop can see what work has or hasn’t been done on your car. Tracking repair and maintenance means “selling you work that’s already been done or isn’t due yet” can be avoided.
Imagine yourself talking your car to a “new” shop. They want to do a good job for you, so they look your car over, check the mileage, and determine you are due for a 90,000 mile service, one component of which is a transmission service. This is normally recommended every 30,000 miles or so, depending on your car. The problem is you had your transmission serviced 20,000 miles ago, but this “new” shop doesn’t have access to that information, and even though you think it might have been done, you can’t remember for sure. Approving this service means you would spend $100 to $150.00 more than you’d need to at this time.
What about expenses that are the result of a simple error? You take your car to your usual shop for a routine inspection, and they determine it’s time for a transmission service. They didn’t notice the transmission was serviced 20,000 miles ago and end up recommending work that isn’t yet due.
With the Owner Auto Site you have the ability to look up the repair and service history for each of your cars individually. Listed on the site is a brief description of what was done along with the mileage, cost, and invoice number.
You’ll also find listed the mileage or recommended date for the next service due. A button on the page even lets you email Dale’s Auto Care to request an appointment. The site also lists current coupons that might give you additional savings. Finally, there is an Advisor button that allows you to list the symptoms you’re experiencing with your car, forward that information to Dale’s via email, and keep a copy for yourself. You don’t have to rely on being able to remember all of the problems you need help with next time you take your car in.
Maybe you haven’t used this tool yet because you didn’t know it was available. Why not check it our for yourself. The next time you get an email from Dale’s just click on the link for OwnerAutoSite, create your user name and password and you’ll have instant access to the information on your car.
Copyright 2009 Dave Eastman, ADSi. All rights reserved. This post subject to Dale’s Auto Care website copyright as approved by Dave Eastman. (for verification email dave at
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