Auto Maintenance Services We Provide at Dale’s Auto Care in Boise:

At Dale’s Auto Care we know auto maintenance services are the least expensive way to reduce automotive breakdowns and failures. Maintenance consists of changing fluid and filters, replacing hoses and belts, and replacing parts that wear like brake pads, wiper blades and spark plugs. A Boise drivers willingness to do automotive maintenance can easily add thousands of miles to the life of your car.

An engine or automatic transmissions that only lasts 100,000 miles with little maintenance can live for 200,000 miles with regular maintenance. The financial savings to an auto owner who maintains their vehicle can be $3000 to $7000 dollars. Some expensive vehicles the amount can be higher.

Dales-Auto-Care-Boise-idAir Filter
Air Conditioning Service
Brake Fluid Flush
Cooling System Flush
Drive Belt Replacement
Fuel System Cleaning
Fuel Filter Service
Lube Oil and Filter
OEM Factory Recommended Scheduled Maintenance
Oil Change and Filter Service
Power Steering Flush
Preventive Maintenance
Radiator and Heater Hoses
Spark Plug Replacement
Steering and Drivetrain Lubrication
Timing Belt Replacement
Tire Rotation
Transmission Flush
Transmission Service
Tune-up Service
V-belt Replacement
Wiper Blade Replacement

Auto maintenance services can help keep your auto repair costs to a minimum. If we can provide you with more information please Call us (208) 345-5620 or Email questions to us with our Contact Us form.