Rolling along with Fuel Prices
Fuel Prices
Today’s Idaho Statesman newspaper has an article written by Mark Williams of The Associated Press. It gives some encouragement about the fuel prices we’re likely to see this summer. It says “gas prices are poised to go down as Memorial Day approaches”. That’s welcome news and I’m sure we all hope that will be the case as we start to think about traveling to our favorite recreation sites.
The article also points out that the cost of gas in Idaho and 9 other states averages more than $3.00 per gallon. Why are Idaho’s fuel prices so high? We could probably spend a lot of time trying to figure that out and never get to the real answer. The bottom line is this – driving this summer will NOT be cheap, no matter what gas prices do, so you need to do everything within your power to keep your fuel expenses as low as possible.
Maintenance on your car or pickup is a key factor in gettting maximum fuel economy. There is nothing else you can do to squeak out better miles per gallon than to maintain your car. So what should you look for to insure you’re getting all you can out of every hard earned $3.00 + that you spend on a gallon of gas? Read on for helpful articles, a short video and some shopping tips to help answer that question.
On the “Posts and Comments” page of our website, you’ll find 2 articles that may be helpful: The first is “5 Mechanical Problems that Decrease your car’s Fuel Economy” and the second, “7 Inexpensive Maintenance Items that Save Fuel“. Both are loaded with fuel saving tips and important maintenance items that are inexpensive and easy to implement.
Last but not least important is the ongoing process of determining where to buy fuel at the best price. The following link will prove vital to Boise residents and commuters. If you’re traveling out of Treasure Valley but still recreating in Idaho, you may want to check out .
Spring is here. Trees are blossoming and leafing out, flowers are blooming and lawns are greening up. After the long winter, most of us are itching to get outdoors, have some fun, and get some exercise. With Memorial Day weekend just around the corner, make sure you’re ready before it’s time to go.
Call Dale’s Auto Care at 345-5620 and make an appointment to have them look at your car, pickup, or SUV over for you. With the cost of gas these days, a little maintenance can go a long way. Have fun and drive safely!
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